What a great day the kids had! And what a perfect book launch we had! The Farm Byron Bay lent us their “stables” complete with hay bales and picnic tables. We brought along the world’s largest bubble making clown, efficient face painters (not the wait inline for 40 minutes while one kid get his entire face reconstructed face painters) arts and crafts (that the kids can complete by themselves) and of course our book to read. It was a kid’s recipe for fun.

Our first book reading came up quickly and Misa and I fought back our nerves and fears of microphones and addressed our packed to the barn door crowd. We both didn’t end up doing anything embarrassing, which means we nailed it. There were smiles, laughs, chicken spotting, and even an impromptu rhyming session when one child realized that, the blue, the tutu and the kid who does kung-fu also rhymes with poo poo. What’s a book reading without a good poo joke?

Yes, the reading was great. The response afterwards in everyone’s enthusiasm, book sales and support was overwhelming.
We were also delighted with the presence of several members of the Northern Rivers Community Fund to present us with a check for the next stages of Fergus & Delilah. Exciting times ahead.
The day would not have been such a success without the help of our families, our friends, our MC, Shaping Outcomes Byron and The Farm. And many thanks to everyone who came by to share the morning with us!
Fergus and Delilah have now officially been launched into the community. Hooray! Now to continue spreading inclusion across Australia.